
Cast Bronze Plaque Installation Services

Signmakers has the experience and capability to supply and install Cast Bronze plaques of all sizes. Please ask if you require help with installation and we will supply you with a free quote.

Below is a instructions sheet for those that want to install it themselves.


stepsWe supply the plaques with bosses cast on the back of the plaque and threaded rods to screw in the bosses and install to your plaques location being it a rock face ora wall etc.
Please note that the bosses, being a cast part, might not be perfectly aligned or centered so please make sure to measure and drill your holes according to their locations.
Fill your drilled holes and the back of the plaque with a good adhesive like silicone etc. Then install your plaque by inserting the rods. A rubber hammer is helpful to get your plaque flush with the surface if needed.

Wall Tools needed: Drill. Drill bits, Ruber hammer. Adhesive, Measuring tape, Level
